By what is Grecia, the kingdom succeeding Medo-Persia, represented in the image?


"His belly and his thighs of brass." Verse 32. "And another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule
over all the earth!' Verse 39.

For what purpose is the grace of Christ received?
2. What attitude of rivalry was the Papacy, represented by the little horn, to assume toward the Most High?
4. Although Lord, Maker, and an observer of the Sabbath, how was He watched and spied upon by the scribes and Pharisees on this day?
What has Daniel said of this time?
22. When surrounded by the Syrian host, what did Elisha say, and for what did he pray, to encourage his frightened servant?
What will he one of the last great signs performed by this means, to fasten men in deception?
For what purpose will Christ come again?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle