How does it propose that the matter of "Sabbath desecration" shall be dealt with?


"That all encroachments upon the claims and the sanctities of the Lord's day should be stoutly resisted
through the press, the Lord's day associations and alliances, and by such legislation as may be secured to
protect and preserve this bulwark of our American Christianity."-Id., page 103.
NOTE -Thus it will be seen that the securing of laws for the enforcement of Sunday observance is
a prominent feature in all these organizations in their efforts to "Christianize" the nation. In doing this
many fail to see that they are repudiating the principles of Christianity, of Protestantism, and of the United
States government, and playing directly into the hand of that power which originated the Sunday Sabbath,
and gained control of the civil power through Sunday legislation-the Papacy.

What question did -Christ's wonderful teaching call forth?
How was Moses taught during the days of his early childhood?
To whom will the dominion finally be given?
After conferring over this matter, what decision was reached by the apostles?
What was one principal object in calling this council?
To whom do those things which are revealed belong?
What is Satan himself called?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle