How much does one know of God when dead?


"For in death there is no; remembrance of Thee." Ps. 6: 5.
NOTE-There is not even a remembrance of God. As already seen, the Bible everywhere
represents the dead as asleep. If they were in heaven or in hell, would it be fitting to represent them thus?
Was Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, in heaven when the Savior said, "Our friend Lazarus sleeps"? John 11:11.
If so, calling him to life was really robbing him of the bliss of heaven that rightly belonged to him. The
parable of the rich man and Lazarus, recorded in Luke 16, was given to teach, not consciousness in death,
but that in the judgment riches will avail nothing unless rightly and beneficently used, and that poverty will
not keep one out of heaven.

What is the true basis of the brotherhood of man?
How did Christ's death affect the ceremonial law?
Is there any danger of God's chosen people forgetting Him?
What did Christ tell the rich young man to do?
Whom does Paul say the saints are to judge?
Who witnessed the laying of the foundations of the earth?
How does God anticipate the needs of His children?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle