In order to grow by the Word of God, what must one do?


Thy words were found, and I did eat them." Jer. 15: 16. Thy Word have I hid in mine heart." Ps. 119: 11.
See Col. 3: 16.

In what way is this comparison further explained?
Under the theocracy, how were the rebellious or willful transgressors treated ?
What besides creation were Israel to remember when they kept the Sabbath?
5. What did He say of those who should break one of the least of God's commandments, and teach men so to do?
18. What does the prophet say the two -horned -beast power will attempt to enforce upon all the people?
What does Christ say about our duty to the state?
How many does Paul say will suffer persecution?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle