What do papal authorities say of the observance of Sunday by Protestants?


"The observance of Sunday by the Protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the
authority of the [Catholic] church."-"Plain Talk About the Protestantism of Today," by Monsignor Segur,
page 213.
NOTE-The statement here made is true, and a full realization of the fact will lead those who
honestly, but ignorantly, have heretofore been observing Sunday as the Sabbath, to refuse longer to pay
homage to apostasy, and return to the observance of that which is the sign of loyalty to Heaven-the only
weekly day of rest which God, in His Word, has commanded men to keep holy, the seventh day.

Through what instrumentality is conversion wrought?
What will follow this union with Christ in His death and resurrection?
In the experience of sanctification, what attitude must one assume toward the truth?
What tender, filial regard did Christ manifest for His mother in the hour of His death?
Did Christ, while on earth, keep the Sabbath?
How will the righteous ever afterward appear?
When expiring on the cross, what did Christ say?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle