What is Spiritualism defined to be?


"A belief that departed spirits hold intercourse with mortals by means of physical phenomena, as by
rapping, or during abnormal mental states, as in trances, or the like, commonly manifested through a
medium; spiritism."-Webster.
Spiritism: "The theory that mediumistic phenomena are caused by spirits of the dead."-Webster.
NOTE-"The very central truth of Spiritualism is the power and possibility of spirit return, under certain
conditions, to communicate with those in the material form."-N. F. RavIin, Spiritualistic lecturer, of

In contrast with the pride and self-exaltation exhibited by Satan, what spirit did Christ manifest?
What record answers to this prophecy?
With what promise do the Old Testament Scriptures close?
What shows that God imputed sin to Cain?
What did God say to Abraham concerning the Amorites?
What class of men did he say would arise in the church?
What does Christ give His followers?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle