What means will be employed to compel all to receive this mark?


"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of
his name." Verse 17.
NOTE - That is, all who refuse to receive this mark will be boycotted, or denied the rights and privileges of
business and trade, or the ordinary means of gaining a livelihood. Already this spirit has begun to manifest
itself in the movement to enforce Sunday observance. In a sermon preached in Burlington, Kansas,
Sunday, January 31, 1904, Rev. Bascom Robins said:"In the Christian decalogue the first day was made the Sabbath by divine appointment. But there is
a class of people who will not keep the Christian Sabbath unless they are forced to do so. But that can be
easily done. We have twenty million of men, besides women and children, in this country, who want this
country to keep the Christian Sabbath. If we would say we will not sell anything to them, we will not buy
anything from them, we will not work for them, or hire them to work for us, the thing could be wiped out,
and all the world would keep the Christian Sabbath."

What prophecy foretold of the disposal of Christ's garments at the crucifixion?
18. What effect did Christ's miracles have upon the individuals restored, and the people who witnessed them?
What admission did they secure from Him as the basis of condemning Him?
When used with reference to prophecy, what does the word fulfil mean?
In what condition was the world before the Flood?
Why does the Lord call the Sabbath His day?
Under what condition does the Lord not hear prayer?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle