What will Christ do with the saints when He comes?


"I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." John 14: 3.
NOTE - In other words, Christ will take them to heaven, there to live and reign with Him during
the one thousand years.

What witness does the true believer in Christ have that he is accepted of God?
With what did He say they would he baptized?
What is said of one who robs his father or his mother?
How earnestly should parents teach their children the things of God?
What was indicated by the mixture of clay and iron in the feet and toes of the image?
What, according to the prophecy of Daniel, was to characterize the time of the end?
What is our duty toward the outcast and wandering?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle